Sunday, December 19, 2010

The World of Social Networking: An Attitude Adjustment Away from Glory

                                                                                                                              By Iam D Real Deal yo
Homo Sapiens are one of the most developed and evolved species living on Planet Earth. While they were given all the resources to dwell and outshine the other living creatures on this planet, they were never taught anything. All that they learned, was through trial and error. It was the method they had to  make it on their own. 

This is believed to be true for their ancestors as well. They were not taught everything by birth, they worked their way by discovering many essential things on their own.

One such key essential was the discovery of the art of “Communication”. Yes! Communication is an essential art by which we are enabled to exchange our thoughts, ideas and emotions with others. It helped us stay connected and helped us weave a social network for human beings.


Whether Symbols, Actions, Signs, Speech or Literature, Communication has been a part of human life for a long time and will be until eternity.

We have used this essential tool for ages. From the Outbreak of  the Ancient River Valley Civilizations, to the Birth of Christ. From the period of Renaissance and Industrializations to the era of Communalism. Not to mention the dangerous World Wars, which were highlighted by infamous acts of evil.

Currently, the world we liv
e in has gone through all that change and is dominated by “Technology”.

Similarly the art of “Communication” has
evolved and rather than using the traditional Symbols or Speech or Literature to share ideas, we are using social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Myspace etc to “communicate” with others and build an online social network of our own.

While these web sites have come in handy, there is no point disputing the fact, that they have various adverse affects as well. For one, they have absolutely ruined the true art of Communication which was earlier based on sharing emotions, which could be made possible only when “human beings” communicated it and no matter how developed technology is, it can never replace human beings.

It has also been notorious in spoiling the respect for one’s own language. With such a shifting of the  emphasis on “TEXTING” language, it has killed the ethics which were carried by the linguistics who showed their love for it via their stories, poems etc.

However! These are not “grave disadvantages” related to Social Networking sites, the biggest disadvantage is the amount of adverse effects it has had on our personal lives.

 People are not what they used to be. They no longer have any respect for the human race. While they are not entitled to be “kind” or “polite” they have compromised their ethics. Indeed some have on many occasions gone out of their way to hurt others, living thousands of miles away from them.

People have taken full advantage of the fact that they sit, hidden behind a computer screen and can harass people they meet online. The usage of curse words is at an all time high. Children, who have not yet entered their teens, are now exposed to data and information which is not suitable for them. These acts sure have a lot of negative impact on these human beings. These actions are usually unplanned and often aimed at the wrong people.

However, these Networking sites can’t be termed  “Useless” as yet. While we can easily chalk up a list of negatives related to them, we can’t ignore the fact that they still have many advantages, as well.

The biggest and perhaps the most advantageous being the fact, that it has made the world a smaller, closer place to live. Using them has made it easier for so many human beings, to stay connected with their near and dear ones.

Friends and family add a whole new dimension to our lives and are with us through thick and thin. However it is not necessary, nor possible for us to stay close to them, all the time. This is where these sites do come in handy in interacting with them, from time to time.

At times, these sites help us communicate with our professional needs, such as educational  facilities IE: Colleges. Such places and people, may be many miles away from where we live. But still they make communication easier. The work assigned, can be easily done. We don’t have to go to far away places, for every petty thing.

These networking sites provide us with an opportunity to meet with people from different parts of the world as well.  We come to know about the diverse cultures from all parts of the world. They give us an opportunity to share ideas, learn new things and grow, all the time.

After speaking on both sides of the story, weighing the pro’s and con’s, I am sure we all will agree that they do have many disadvantages as well. 

While I for one agree with that, I can’t help deny the fact that in the present day world such networking sites are indeed a “NECESSITY”, simply because of the fact that people won’t be able to function without it.

Now comes the one Million Dollar Question! If we were to use these tools despite the fact, that they have many adverse effects then why should we continue using them?
The answer my friend is in your hands or rather in your “Attitude”!
 Yes! You read it correctly, these web sites are nothing but a bag full of opportunities which are to be used by no one else “BUT BY YOU”.

It is entirely up to you to decide as to how you are going to utilize these bags full of opportunities. Be the master of your own Game. Don’t let anyone else decide what you do and what you don’t do.

My Advice !

Listen to your loved ones!

Listen only to the ones who care for you!

Don’t let Temptation get the best of you!

How Do You Do That?

Avoid blending with the norm and prevent compromising your ethics!

Respect for your language to settle with the environment!

No one can force us to do anything online!

No one can force their opinions online!

If someone tries to make use of their edged tongue to harass you then simply avoid communicating with them!
 If people are talking about things, which you deem improper for you then simply avoid responding to such things.

Don't let any petty thing get you down.

The ones whom you love and care for will understand, if you mistakenly ignore them.  They are smart enough to realize that you might be caught up in work.


Because that is what the true meaning of Friends and Family is! That is indeed, the reason why these Sites were first constructed.

This change in Attitude may not make your Social Networking experience better.
But it's a great start!

Just remember a "Problem Avoided is one Gain Added", so in the end we alone can both use the advantages that comes with them and also deal with any effects it might have.

The task at hand might be tough to deal with but this situation needs to be dealt with smartly. Because at the end of the day, these Social Networking sites are a useful and if we can deal with the Negatives then we sure can make use of this tool.

Think Practical, Act Smart and Have The Right Attitude!

Copyright 12/19/10

Comments Are Welcomed and Appreciated by Author, Publisher, Thank You!


Unknown said...

Wow my brother, you have clearly produced a highly thought provoking piece here.

For a long time, i was almost allergic to social networking. Then slowly i became a believer. I totally agree with the perils of social networking. There are many losses a virtual world can induce. But going beyond that we can survive and flourish if our conscience is well and awake.

As i comment here today, i endorse a thoughtful use of social networking. I and declare that i totally love it. Because had not it been for it, i would have never et you guys, and life would have never been a beauty it is.

Accept my most sincere compliments mate on this wonderful piece of work.

AkaProfessorM said...

The Prolific use of social networking has really expanded the horizons for most users, but has significantly diminished the personal touch.

To me it is akin to the old party line situation on the telephone.

Todays closest equivalent would be that of teleconferencing, Deal.

Back in the 1950's private lines where the exclusive use of the rich. Party lines were for everyone else.

Telephone calls could be heard by anyone who had a phone and simply picked it up!

Social networks like Facebook, Myspace and Okrut are the unlimited use variety.

Twitter is pretty much the 140 characters limited electronic typing version of that.

While teleconferencing is the business form used today!

Your points are well taken deal, as to whose in control on these networks and should be helpful to those who have forgotten how they function.

Thanks for your insight and your views! ;D

M Pax said...

The beauty in social networking is meeting many intriguing people ... like you.

We have to remember it is 'public'. Be yourself, but beware and careful.

Anonymous said...

Angel aka the Philosopher said...

Quite an informative and interesting view on
social networks D. Though I don't use them
much, I can see your points on this issue.
Like a lot of areas on the Internet, it has its
pros and cons. It needs to be given careful consideration and used wisely. :)..

Anonymous said...

Social networking is an interesting concept considering a recent study has shown that a only a small percentage of onsite connections are reciprocal.

To explore ideas, concepts and even one's identity, while maintaining anonymity, can be both powerful and seductive.

Let your conscience be your guide!


Iam D Real Deal yo said...


Thanks bro,I am glad you agree with me here

Everything has it's Plus and Minus points but the thing is that we can't and should not discard something just based on it.

These Social Networking Sites are essential tools and we should go about them with smartness, just try to ignore the negatives associated with it and we have a good thing at hand

Thanks a ton bro,much appreciated! ;-)

Iam D Real Deal yo said...

@Mike AKA The Professor!

Thanks for the amazing insight on this piece Sir,you summed it up really well and made a lot of sense saying what you said in here.

Seeing as we have deduced the fact that the negative points can be avoided and we can live with positives alone,we sure should use them and not let them go away right?

Iam D Real Deal yo said...

@ M Pax!

Hello Sir and thanks for reading my piece, I really appreciate it. First if all nice to meet you too and I am glad you agree with me here. We need to be careful and use it rather than just back away from it. Well said. ;-)

Iam D Real Deal yo said...


Hello Angel,Thanks a ton for the comments and the read, it was well appreciated

You hit the nail right on the head when you say that it needs to be used "WISELY" that is the correct way to go indeed. Thanks again. ;-)

Iam D Real Deal yo said...


First if of all, I am delighted that you visited this piece and left your amazing two cents about my piece, I really appreciate it.

I completely agree that we have to allow our Conscience be our guide. My point is that, we can always have a good time with the friends we make online and have nice talks with them but need to remember that we should not be TOO drawn into them so that our "REAL" life needs to be compromised and that we don't take things so seriously that we end up getting confused.

If we can do that, then we sure can enjoy them without any problems or limits what so ever.

Thanks a ton again Cate!

Anonymous said...

I do agree that social networking sites are to a certain extent, a negative thing not only to children, but too others who, (quote from above' 'have taken full advantage of the fact that they sit, hidden behind a computer screen and can harass people they meet online.' But to some people it is just fun and if we can keep it at just this, we could enjoy it without any problems.

It is a very well written article, I must say, very interesting read and you have considered all angles. Well done to the writer.

Iam D Real Deal yo said...

First of all Thanks for visiting the article and for leaving comments it is very much appreciated.

I am glad that you understood the core point behind this article of mine, that is indeed the way to use it.

Thanks a ton Sir, I am so glad that you enjoyed this piece,made my day. ;-)

Liz said...

I would like to thank the author of this peice 'Iam D Real Deal you' for writing this as it brings up some very accuarte decent points, in which I agree with. One of the best sites I have been to in a while, i must say congratulations to the writer as it is truly an excellent peice.

Steve Marlon said...

Wow sir, I think I might take your advice as I have never really considered the world of social networking and it got me thinking. Great article sir, I shall recommend it to some of my friends. Now off to go thank my friend (on a social networking site, twitter haha) who recommended this site Peace.

Iam D Real Deal yo said...

Hey Liz! First of all, I the author i.e. "Iam D Real Deal yo" would like to thank you for both visiting this article and enjoying it, it is much appreciated

And thanks for praising the blog, it is actually pretty amazing and surely is one the best I have had the pleasure of working for. Thanks a ton. ;-)

Iam D Real Deal yo said...

Hey Steve! Thanks a ton for visiting the article, enjoying it and above all for spreading the word about it.

I am on these sites myself and use them too but wanted to set a code to use them. I am glad that you found it worth reading as well.

Thanks a ton bro,much appreciated! ;-)

Iam D Real Deal yo said...

WOW! 17 comments on this article already, that is Pure Awesomeness. Keep reading,commenting and spreading the word my amazing readers. ;-)