Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Introducing TPWS' Long Awaited Page Updates

By Mike AKA the Professor

Apparently, while "The Professor's Write Site" blog has been a boon to some, there are still many more who are having trouble navigating their way around on this site. I appreciate their time and the honesty of their critiquing because that is how any site grows and improves. After over sixty five thousand visits from over one hundred nations I refuse to become complacent and ignore the people who have added this site to their view list week after week.

This site was my attempt to provide a home for those wishing to learn how to express themselves in the English language. This was my contribution to the pursuit of Quality over quantity in writing. This was to be a place that didn't turn away those who asked questions in order to learn the right way to write. This was, is and has been a site where those willing to try, were given the opportunity to get their work examined, edited and when deemed ready, published!

The efforts of producing this site has been aided by the additions of those whom I call My Friends and have acknowledged as  PROWL'ers  (Professor's Recognized Original Writers League) members in good standing. Those who are regular readers already know their favourite contributors like Angel Aka The Philosopher. Chinmay is the next most frequent author and then there is JVCXV followed by Iam D Real Deal  yo and Jacob Waring, Mr Ashley Morris and Moi rounded out our elusive crew.

Too often, my friends,  I have been seen as only the Series Writer and the Poet on this site. Granted Angel has been the most prolific with her timely and engaging articles to help writers with areas like Writers block and how to find topics and researching techniques for same.  I, too, have benefited from her insight and wise words.  The truth is that because I have endeavoured to teach by example rather than lecture with lessons` I've been stereotyped on  my own blog.

So Now The Table of Contents will occupy a more prominent position to make our newer visitors aware of my dabbling in the subtleties and nuances of the Grammatical Structure and Styles not to mention the tricks and writing tips that I've picked up over my many years. Gone will be the distractions on the home page for the time being. The Virtual Pets,

The free use Farlex  Online Reference Suite containing Multilingual Translatable Encyclopediae,  Dictionaries and Thesaurus' plus Hang Man Word and Spelling bee games will now be on the same page for those who enjoy these types of distractions. This new page is dedicated to our loyal readers and is presented to remove the problem of Navigating this site, in search of that elusive tip or technique which will answer their query.

Those visitors who found these gadgets helpful still can find them on the site. Those who came for the Tips, Tricks and Advice to help Writers of all capabilities and skill levels will be happy with what they find here!
For them, It is the place where Grammar, Form, Style, Function and Creative Uses of the English language come together to help the writer achieve their goal.Those can be found on the Table of Contents on the Home Page.

So without further adieu I present to our visitors the new look of   The Professor's Write Site Blog site! Please check out these entries for them.  For Your Information. The Tips and Techniques and Grammatical Terms are where all the elusive writing tricks can be found. Come Look and Enjoy one and All!

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