Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Professor 's “How To” Writing Improvement Series Part 4

Yes! Leonardo Da Vinci was also a Writer

Creativity - Learning “How To” Develop Your own Natural Creative Tendencies.

What Is It?
The online “Oxford Dictionaries” defines the term “Creativity” in this manner and I quote them here:
Creativity noun - the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness:

The Online Encyclopedia known to all as “Wikipedia” gives us the following interpretation found here in brief And I have included the link below for all who would like to see the entire entry for themselves.

Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby a person creates something new (a product, a solution, a work of art, a novel, a joke, etc.) that has some kind of value. What counts as "new" may be in reference to the individual creator, or to the society or domain within which the novelty occurs. What counts as "valuable" is similarly defined in a variety of ways.

Scholarly interest in creativity ranges widely: Topics to which it is relevant include the relationship between creativity and general intelligence; the mental and neurological processes associated with creative activity; the relationship between personality type and creative ability; the relationship between creativity and mental health; the potential for fostering creativity through education and training, especially as augmented by technology; and the application of an individual's existing creative resources to improve the effectiveness of learning processes and of the teaching processes tailored to them.

Creativity and creative acts are therefore studied across several disciplines - psychology,cognitive scienceeducationphilosophy (particularly philosophy of science), technology,theologysociologylinguisticsbusiness studies, and economics. As a result, there are a multitude of definitions and approaches.

The rest of their entry can be found with this link

Both of these highly touted and accepted authorities are correct in their defining of the term and how they apply it to people. But is that the whole story? Is that what we all accept as what it means to be “Creative?”

Do You have It?
Yes every person who can think,see, hear, smell, taste and or touch has the cognitive apparatus to get in touch with what we call this “Reality”! Even those who are unable to function in any of these because of sensory limitations are now able to participate with modern adaptations. The only reason not to be creative is if one isn't sentient because the ability to “Think”and “Reason “ is necessary!
So if you are reading this or using a reader program to have this read to you then you can access your creativity. All it takes is imagination and that is where it all begins.

Do you Need It?
Unless you are an advanced robotic android equiped with Artificial Intelligence or A.I. such as one with a preprogrammed amazing positronic brain of a “Commander Data “ of Star Trek :The Next Generation” fame , a“C3PO”and or “R2D2” of the” Star Wars” Series. The “Vision” of “The Avengers” in Marvel Comic Books And Magazines or even “Gort” from the movie “The Day The Earth Stood Still”then yes it is both helpful and indeed necessary, Creativity allows the user to access and activate their greatest marvel from which everything we have has come into existance .
What is That you ask? That my dear Readers , Followers and friends is your IMAGINATION”

Leonardo Di ser Piero Da Vinci
The Greatest  Example of  Creativity
The greatest example of known human creativity was that of one maestro Leonardo “Di ser Piero Da Vinci, It was he whose life had eloquently shown the incredible capacity that its application could truly
achieve. As a painter, when creating the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper and the Vitruvanian Man. He had excelled at a time when great masters were there to challenge his success. Not daunted by these artisans, he actually rose to their competitive ways without hesitation.

However his amazing innovations, keen perceptiveness and astounding inventions covered such diverse areas as aeronautics, engineering and robotics. It was these that had him make strides which proved that he was some five hundred years a head of his time. It was his limitless imaginative thinking, that gave us so many of those phenomenal details in anatomy, architecture, botany, biology and cartography.

He was also a polymath, philosopher, theorist, mathematician, scientist, sculpter, musician, geologist, chemist and writer. He reached the age of sixty seven which was amazing given the average lifespan at the time was forty. For those who want to read more about Leonardo ,below this section I have included links where more on him can be found at these sites here.

The best way to develop your creativity is to immerse yourself in what you love best, my friends. Each time that you expand your knowledgebase in all the facets connected with your topic of interest, the greater your capacity for wisdom, in that subject becomes.

Never look at learning anything as a drudgery! Instead embrace it as an opportunity to increase your true awareness of yet another facet of living. With all the areas to do research on the internet, please try to stay focused. Remember it is all too easy to get distracted from your task at hand especially if your mind isn't disciplined enough yet!

With practise, diligence and patience you can develope the correct study habits to achieve success. If you do find yourself easily distracted, then try the library where you can get books on the various types of subject matter instead. If you allow yourself to become discouraged Stop! You need to take a break. Remember a fresh approach can be just the ticket.

Better to train yourself persistently to attain the right mindset for consistent proper research habits. Experience is the greatest aid to achieve your dreams because in the long run you'll benefit more from doing than from watching others or reading about how something is done. But start and start now! Don't fail because you didn't try. If you failed before, don't give up! Instead learn from that and build on it.

One of the best ways to get better is reading more of the works of writers that share your interests. Also research those topics that appeal to you to educate yourself while concentrating on those areas that you want to know more about.

Creativity doesn't have an age limit, nor is it the exclusive domain of any one race, color, creed or social class. Good Writing, like breathing, come naturally, when allowed to be what it is meant to be.
It is the expression of ones ideas, emotions and indeed the essence of who and what we all are. Creativity is the attempt of we, God's creatures, to imitate our own Creator.

It is only in the display of our creative offerings that we learn more about ourselves, how we fit in and how other see and react to us. Then in doing so, through such interaction we suddenly rediscover our oneness with our Maker. God gave all of us the ability to create so that we then could, by doing so, understand first hand what Love really is and why we were created, as we are!

So there you have it friends! Creativity covered in the way that I have found is best attained. Thanks for reading and as always your comments are welcome in the comment section below! Be sure to return for the next part in this series. Until next time then I shall remain, your host Mike Aka the Professor

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