Today is a very special day for "The Professor's Write Site". Exactly one year ago today, this blog came into existence. It was the result of much agonizing, as to whether such a site would ever have the desired effect that I and my colleagues hoped for. It was born out of a need to create a place where those who wanted to write better and had a desire to learn how to, could!
Some of the writers discovered that I would champion their cause and I developed a small following. It was then that I started mentoring some of these writers whose potential I could see just needed a little polishing. The amazing thing was that these writers appreciated my efforts and worked hard to improve, and improve they did. Some have written here on this site and even have their own blogs now.
Well for one year , Angel aka the Philosopher , Chinmay Bhandari, Iam D Real Deal yo, Mr Ashley Morris, Jacob Waring ,JVCXV and myself have presented our offerings before you . You ,Our Wonderful Readers in reply have to date been responsible for over thirty two, thousand visits (32,000+) to our site. You have come from Eighty Three Nations (83) around the globe and have graced us with twenty one (21) followers. I am proud to say that year two is off to a rousing start . So Thank You, One and Al l from the bottom of my heart!
Regards Mike Aka The Professor! ;D
Congratulations Professor! It's been a very, very long time since the last time I spoke to you! I apologize that I've not been here, but now I am and ready to stay! An absolute sensational accomplishment and one thoroughly deserved! Your site has become the PLACE for writing and aspiring writers, your guidance has been thrilling, and we all appreciate it mate! Thank you so much for everything you have done, and now to make TPWS the ultimate writing site!!
Congratulations mate, you've done sensational! Be sure to expect more of my comments now!
Muzzy Daud!! Welcome back Muzzy to the Professor's Write Site and Thank you for responding so quickly to my announcement of the First year anniversary!
Yes it has been far too long since we last had an opportunity to converse as we did on B/R!
I have some very fond memories of my good and dear friends, fans and many followers on that site, Mate. Had it been and remained as it first was advertised, then I would probably still be writing and publishing my views on MMA and Pro Wrestling there. Sadly It was not!
Now I write where and when I decide to, Mate, without the constant pressure to preform, at the beckon call of site operators who have sold out for money, without even bothering to compensate those who selflessly, helped it grow!
I as a site operator, understand the need for working capital, but I prefer to present a site which helps, not hinders writers in becoming better. A site that aids them in their quest to find and develop their hidden talents.
So with the help of fine people like "Angel aka The Philosopher", Iam D Real Deal yo, Chinmay Bhandari, Mr. Ashley Morris, Jacob Waring and JVCXV ,this site has blossomed into a vibrant and thriving entity for our ever growing fans,
friends and Followers to learn, ask questions and improve their styles whenever they chose.
I look forward to you joining their ranks soon, Muzzy! I know that you have become quite the blogger yourself and I am sure that TPWS will be
soon cross promoting your site in the near future!
Thank You So much for Dropping by, Reading and Commenting with me here on TPWS, Today! So until
Next time, Good Health Wealth and Happiness be Yours, Muzzy!
Regards Mike AKA the Professor! ;D
Professor, I simply cannot believe that it has already been one year. It has been one incredible year, I have to say.
Being a regular reader of this site, and an occasional writer has helped me immensely. Because of lot of reasons, I have not been able to contribute to TPWS as much as i would have loved. Honestly, this site has given me too much and has taken too little in return.
Once again congratulations to the TPWS and looking forward to be a part of another huge year ahead :)
@Chinmay: As you know, my Friend TPWS was created to help writers find themselves, on a site where they can come ask questions and get answers. You are perhaps the best advertisement that this site could ever have, my friend. All one need do is see your list of truly amazing, exceptional and outstandingly insightful articles on "The Bleacher Report"and your Blogsite "Amaranthine".
Likewise, Chinmay, here your pieces have been displayed and now have inspired many others to try their hand at writing. The works of Angel AKA the Philosopher along with Iam D Real Deal yo, Ashley Morris, Jacob Waring and JVCXV are standouts, showcasing the diversity and Quality that this site has built its reputation on!
Now I am going to really expand the scope of our efforts in the various writing styles with some new innovations. It is my hope that these will further the pleasure of visiting this site for our audience!
I want to make this site even more rewarding to those who have added it to their RSS feeds and use it for the Writing Source Materials it has for them.
I miss seeing your comments but understand that you have commitments that severely limit your time so I will wish you well, Chinmay and Thank you for your read and comment!Success be Yours Always , my friend!
Regards Mike AKA the Professor! ;D
Professor, here on I will be back on regular basis. I may not write a lot, but I will be back as a regular commentator. I loved it, and I am missing it.
I am eagerly anticipating the new approach. I am sure it will be a treat for readers.
And thanks for the kind words, Sir. The turn around on BR is largely attributed to what I learned from you and this site :)
Congratulations on all the success Sir, you deserve it. :-)
@Chinmay: My apologies for not replying sooner my friend, Perhaps the oversight was due to the number of projects and venues that I've been doing to promote TPWS on other sites. Regardless I still apologize for not living up to my usual standard for readers of this site. I will attempt to from now on respond within 2days of any entry made to this site by anyone who appears in the comment thread. Regards Mike AKA the Professor! ;D
@Iam D Real Deal yo: Long time no see or chat Deal! Thanks for the comment and for dropping by & getting a look at the latest face of TPWS! She has change since I created her fourteen months ago!
You have be missed but then our spare time has been at a premium for all of us of late! I hope you are well and that your schoolwork load is bearable. May those Professors treat you with the respect that your rank at B/R deserves, my friend!
Chinmay has just published another piece today which I hope all of his many friends will read, like and comment on. I found it to be inspiring as it is quite the deep poetic rendering,Deal!
Thanks Again for your visit, Deal! Remember You are always welcome back to The Professor's Write Site!
Regards Mike AKA the Professor ;D
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