Sunday, January 2, 2011

Open Forum For Followers of TPWS

The Topic is:
"What is Quality Writing and why do we need it today?"

Featuring Mike AKA the Professor as Moderator, Master of Ceremonies 

Guest Writers, Friends, Fans and Readers are Welcome to participate! 


Unknown said...

Professor this forum is a nice initiative, it will enlighten many of us.

I am not eligible to comment on writing style or nuances of writing. But, to me original, creative and expressive writing is a quality writing. When i read something, it has to give me something new. I should get something to learn or something to think over after reading it.

The main reason, in my opinion we need quality writing is emergence of open source forums, blogs and micro blogging.

Today anything that is being read is passed as writing. It is a major felony. Many people keep writing in spite of any improvement. many people just cite some news and reproduce it. I am not against these works, but to improve the standards of it, i think we desperately need quality writers around. We can look up to them and learn and improve.

AkaProfessorM said...

@Chinmay: Thanks for opening up the open forum, my friend! The number of reads you've received @ 206, for "Music - The Language of Every Heart" would disagree with you and your assessment of your abilities and qualifications, Sir!

Granted that you've lost your top position to Angel aka the Philosopher with her very splendid offering "The Gift of the Creator" @ 228 reads to date.

But the addition of such works has really shown that it is the readers who are the finally judges of what is to be deem as having quality.

Perhaps the application of Grammatical structure coupled with correct spelling and professional editing isn't the soul criteria necessary for our readers.

The use of these doesn't hurt the result but the greatest impact would seem to be in the passion that each writer infuses into their work.

If it has that emphasis that grabs the readers' attention. If it engages their previously dormant imaginations, challenges those very foundations of their preconceived notions.

If it enlightens an audience's own perspectives to where they question, then perhaps those pieces are then judge to be of greater impact.

For they then do garner greater interest from the readership! These then are deem to have the factor adjudged to be "Quality", Chinmay.

BenGartland said...

Here's why I think we need quality writing.

This world has changed to write and speak in "text talk." As a teenager, I know what it is like firsthand. I use it in my texts and instant messages.

However text talk has no place in what is supposed to be a professional essay or blog. People are more bound to take you seriously when you are typing like I am right now than if "u tlk & typ lke dis."

Quality writing I wouldn't say is a dying art, but people have lost the taste for it. However we need quality writing to preserve professionalism and intellect in the world.

Without quality writing, this world would lose the ability to make literature and writing fantastic. We have seen it already. One of the most popular books in the world has many grammatical errors and just comes off as amateurish. (Twilight Series.)

I also agree with Chinmay above, without quality writing, we can't find the difference between a run of the mill blog, and a well thought out and greatly written blog.

Without quality writing, then there's no point in writing at all.

~Ben Gartland

AkaProfessorM said...

@Rockchalk77: Great points Ben and thanks for joining the forum.

The idea of short forming the printed work has been around for quite some time. From the use of Pitman Shorthand in the business world. The Ten Codes are an example in use by the Military, Emergency, Police / Law enforcement agencies, as well as the Shortwave operators and in Citizen Band.

Codifications gave way to slang first used in idioms developed by the secret societies, gangs and unsavory types of disreputable origins.

These led to the lingo of the 1920's, jargon of the 1930's & 40's, colloquialisms, jive talk used by the beatniks of the 1950's and hippies of the 60's, yippies of the 1970's and yuppies of the 1980's.

With so many successive additions presented in these generational euphemisms, each is then the suggestive of their "now" culture and "todays" modern thinking.

It can be said such references are now used to define that period of each change and it's level of advancement, Ben.

Now however the speed required to communicate is attempting to supplant the formal usage with the broader informal or generic form.

It would appear now, that rather than advance the grammatical and spelling of the English language, we are instead being compelled to drop the formalities, forget the rules and dumbing down for the sake of gaining peer acceptance.

However, Such expediency will never be tolerant of Creativity! It requires immediate response to it's demands for satisfaction. The Visual arts are the prime examples of this.

Newer, brighter, bigger, High Definition, 3D, CRT, LCD, plasma & LED. Ever faster and greater entertainment demands are needed because we have been tricked and fooled into believing that these are vital to stimulate our pleasure center
our imaginations.

For those who still can read, it's the quality of the classics that open worlds of pleasure, adventure, mystery, fantasy, drama, comedy, knowledge and wisdom.

Quality Writing does have purpose and It does matter!