Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Professor's "How To" Writing Improvement Series Part 2 How To Fact Find Using This Methodology:

  Researching your Information Sources:
 By Mike Aka The Professor

 The way to be considered an authority on any topic you choose to write about, you must show your readers that you know it as thoroughly as possible. Since no one human, is that omniscient, even though many political types would claim otherwise, you need to research the topic diligently. Such intensity, while time intensive is deemed necessary for the author to be truly considered proficient. 

Research is and always has been, the key to garnering any type of acknowledged credibility. This is true, whether you are writing a how to on making a recipe, making a child's toy or doing investigative journalism. Research is required to find all the details that displays your expertise in the topic intricacies.

 Facts, as examples, prove to your audience that you are trustworthy enough for their loyalty. They show this with their investment of time spent reading your pieces The way to know it inside and out, is to get all the particulars by asking all the questions that you would if you were the one who needed to know how it was done and to be able to replicate the results. We all know how to do many things and all too often we believe that we are experts in those areas.

 The problem arises when we are asked to explain how we do what we do so well. We then tend to eliminate the parts that are for us, routine and which seem just so obvious to anyone who has done it too. That is the real problem! This assumption, that others know what we do, leads to parts being missed. We need to realize that those who are requesting the answers actually don't know the first thing about that subject.

 It is always better to assume that you may be their first and most knowledgeable source for your topic, article, how to, and or lesson! in fact, approach it as you did when you first learned about it, yourself. Get enthralled as you dig in and investigate it what ever it was. Start your research so that you can answer their questions because you answered them, for yourself, first.

 When you need to be accurate, for any writing project, regardless of the style you choose, research is extremely important. So how do you do your researching? What sources are available for you to use? Are you sure that such research is necessary in all cases? All these questions are indeed important! 

More Important for you is by answering them you will definitely prove your writing status, to your readers and to yourself. The difference between a quality piece and the myriad of bogus, biased and false attempts at erroneous viewpoints, with empirical personal opinions, instead of real facts will be quickly recognized and easily seen.

 Places like Wikipedia, Britannica Online, Encyclopedia.com and as recently as 2009, MSN Encarta, were great sites to start as these places are updated often and fairly frequently. The true Giants of the Internet and world wide web sources are Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Dogpile Search engines, with several others rounding out the top ten. 

I chose these, since, for my purposes, they are the most well known and highly recommended. These are the places to start your research for they will help you weed out the proficient from the pretenders. Public Libraries are also excellent sources for material as librarians are usually themselves skilful researchers on a variety of topics. I have utilized their formidable skills with amazing results on many occasions. 

Reference libraries, while not allowing you to borrow their books, periodicals and other materials, can be an excellent source for those hard to find reference materials. Remember, note taking and using personal recording devices can become invaluable in cases such as this. I highly recommend that you take every opportunity to make yourself acquainted with the sources and resources that you have in your surrounding area.

 Books,Newspapers, Magazines and other many and varied periodicals can and do have extremely valuable, informational sources, which can be and are invaluable to the serious investigator, regardless of the topic. I have provided you with almost all the sources that I, myself, have used with regards to almost every topic and writing style that I have used in print to date. The last is personal experience. We write our best work, about those things that we have first hand knowledge of. 

The experience factor is perhaps the greatest inspiration for the writer to draw upon. The investment of yourself in your writing styles will always be as unique as is your DNA. The writer in you is the one that your readers will get to know. That is the one they wish to follow and if successful enough will be revealed in what they see on the screen, the printed page and or the article in the magazine. Be yourself and you have already established your credibility.

 Do the research because you expect your reader to read it and it should always be your best effort for their sake. Remember they are the reason that you are writing. Always Treat Them with Respect and They, in turn, will reward you with their loyalty and trust!

 Thanks for reading and be sure to leave me a comment, question or response in the comment section below! The Next topic in the series will appear next week, so see you then. 

Regards Mike AKA the Professor. 
Original Copyright October 6th 2011 
 Revision Copyright May 26th 2015

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