Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My Writing Guidelines - How To Determine If You Are Ready To Write!

As many of you have already read when visiting this site I am a man whose aim is to help develop the Quality of your writing.

 I have been approached by many people who've asked  " What is Quality ?" Others have posed this query. "When is the best time to Write?" Still others have asked. "Is Grammar and Spelling really that important?" A real overwhelming top ranking enigma has to be this one."How do I know if I can write?"

The one which I am asked after I've had conversations and correspondences with these questioners is this.

 "Can You Help Me??"

These four words are the ones I hope to address in this article my friends.


Sounds like a tall order! It needs to be handled with Diplomacy, Tact, Honesty and Expediency.

But how you ask?

The one who asks this question is, if honest, reached that point where their confidence and their fear of rejection are about to meet head on! "The Truth will set you free", seems an appropriate adage right now!

But what is the Truth?

I know, I know, I hear it too !

 There's Jack Nicholson's voice in that Military courtroom  scene being questioned by Tom Cruise who asks him for the Truth! To which Jack replies and I quote" Truth? Truth? You can't handled the Truth!"

It takes a great deal of patiences to first determine the truth and the degree that you need to dig to find if it exists in the work of the one who is requesting such an appraisal of their skills. Everyone can write but not everyone can write well!

The determining factors are not grammatical or an extensive vocabulary nor even an extensive display of literary achievements. Ones writing ability is determined by ones audience and their reaction to what your works has conveyed to them.

Perfect scores on examination papers, excellent verbal skills such as diction and proper pronunciation, and spelling accuracy which would win any spelling bee are helpful in being awarded a diploma but don't even come close to guaranteeing that the person can write. 

No, the writer who can put in words those visions seen within their own imaginations. Describe them with all the clarity of a technicolor HD Bluray Presentation. Give their Readers that entertaining experience with such overwhelming intensity. That is the degree of writing that makes me say now that's quality!

Too often we are fed the line that accreditation is the true measure of all skills. The use of letters bearing prestigious  names of academicae with pronouncements of Bachelor of this or Masters of that or Doctor of some such, are simply demonstrations of competency in attendance and memory retention.

I'm not saying that those who worked hard don't deserve some recognition for their achievements, rather what I am saying is that such symbols are not the true determinant of skill. The proof of a fine meal is in the eating and taste which one enjoys in consuming it. The skill of the Chef is proven by the diners compliments.

Likewise it's the picture, which hangs in the gallery, that is a better gauge, than the art school certificate. Why? Because Those affirmative responses of the viewers, the number of visitors who appreciate the technique used,  that truly indicates the artist's real success and skill.

To be a good writer, one must first, a reader be. Reading the works of others helps you find what appeals to your target audience. Writers who enjoy popularity are those who understand how to gauge their readers. The genre with need to be established before the writer drafts the plot!

The topic, once the genre is chosen, needs to be carefully researched as to location, history, culture and ethnicity. Familiarity through landmarks chronology and setting will allow the readers to feel their way if they know it intimately. Details bring the scenes to life adding substance and character as well.

Descriptive words flavor the mix, especially when describing the surroundings the people and or the events which will make up the backdrop to the plot and the characters of the piece. When written with the reader in mind the story accomplishes it's goals better because it allows the writer to put the reader in the character's place and become engaged by the life of that character in detail.

If your audience feels that they can enter the body of the characters see with their eyes, feel what their feeling and anticipate the scenes as they unfold, then you have their interest. If you treat them as you want to be treated and entertain them, engage them, challenge them and confide in them, you have them.

Writing should be Fun! If you put yourself in your audience's place, see through their eyes, feel with their perspective and strive to make their reading experience as worthwhile as you possibly can then everybody wins! The writer will be appreciated, the reader will be entertained and the writing will be that, which I call "Quality".    

Thanks for your time to read this! I appreciate it and you!

Regards Mike AKA the Professor
reprinted May 6th, 2015


Unknown said...

Professor, that was one of the awesome reads. It was not only helpful but also it could make clear make things for people like us. I myself have experience that how much it helps to ask you 'can you help'.

And i can not agree more with a golden sentence above, to be a writer, one should be a reader.

AkaProfessorM said...

Thanks Chinmay! As I stated when first I created this site the goal and purpose was to help those
who wanted to, write better.

In displaying the works of myself and others' like me,who express the quality in their pieces, I am teaching by example.

Words are eloquent and descriptive,artistic and informative, authoritative and assertive but they are still simply words, my friend.

Here are the results of those words in action. Here are the displays of those ideas as found in works of the writers who have understood their power.

That is the Truth of these lessons, Chinmay. By the proof of the site is the realization of the message and the methodology to achieve the same
result for the practitioner.

That is the why and the how, my friend. All that is left is to do. ;D

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you sir. Reading TPWS is sheer pleasure, and yes i forgot to inform you, one of friends loved the prowl series. He was in total awe. I was extremely glad when i found it out.

AkaProfessorM said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Chinmay. I am glad that people are coming on site to read and understand why it is that we write here.

If the enjoyment they derive is anything like that which we, the writers get in displayed these works then the circle is complete.

The knowledge that ones work is appreciated, is
gratifying for every artist. It is the reason that we create.

"The real expression of one's art form is the fulfillment of that thought into it's physical manifestation by which others can see the end result."

All of Our friends are welcome here! ;D

Unknown said...

Mike I am so pleased to come here and read as well as listen to your wise advice. As you know I am a Poet foremost a short or long story writer in a distant second place. I hope to learn from you how to manage to move my writing abilities to first place. It has been my experience thus far to create in followers minds the thirst and desire to want more of my scribes, for many I have been able to move something within their souls that have them coming back for more. I agree with so much of what you teach here and look forward to being another one of your loyal students. Good work Mike, I am very impressed with your presentations here.

AkaProfessorM said...

My Good Friend, the same essentials that make you so sought after as a Recognized Poet who has Books in Print needs no lessons from anyone, Vincent.

You possess all the skills necessary, as evidenced by the audience that follows you and the followers who read your work as the words touch them so deeply, Vincent.

All that I can do is show you how to open up more intently by put yourself into the readers seat and view your work through their eyes. The only difference between those styles using the elements of prose, poetry and the descriptive narrative, is the degree of imagery that you present to them.

How is that achieved, Vincent you may ask?
Simple, My Literary Peer & Fellow Wordsmith!
It is achieved by reading and immersing yourself as the reader would, in those masterpieces of imaginative wizardry, that you will employ to entertain and delight them, sir!

I have read your work and the talent is quite pronounced, so with practise you will attain your goal as you already have Poetically. If I can be of assistance to you in that goal then I shall, my friend!